Mammifères d’Afrique – African Mammals – Revue du WEB – Avril 2023

Liens vers l’actualité WEB de la faune africaine – Links to WEB African Wildlife News.

Préservation / Conservation:

SAHEL : vers un plan d’action pour la conservation de la faune sauvage.
Nigeria considers stringent legislation to protect endangered species.

Braconnage / Poaching – Trafic / Traffic – Commerce / Trade – Chasse / Hunting:

Wildlife trafficking gradually returns after pandemic lull, mostly by sea.
GABON : quatre présumés trafiquants d’ivoire, interpellés à Makokou.
Illegal pangolin widely used in China’s hospitals, pharmacies.
The scale of the problem: understanding the demand for medicinal pangolin products in China.
How politics, economics and corruption fuel live great ape trafficking.
Wild meat consumption in urban Sierra Leone during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Trio of rhino KNP poachers handed prison terms totalling over 100 years.


Quantifying allo-grooming in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) using tri-axial acceleration data and machine learning.
Selon une étude, les chimpanzés guinéens pêcheurs de crabe se portent bien, mais les menaces planent.
Camera trap images of rare gorillas with infants bring hope in DRC.

Herbivores / Herbivorous:

Genetic research boosts conservation efforts for critically endangered antelope.
Pachyderm perfume: How African elephants use odor to communicate.
TCHAD : une reprise subite du braconnage d’éléphants inquiète la société civile.
Wild African elephants may have domesticated themselves.
Conservation management strategy impacts inbreeding and mutation load in scimitar-horned oryx.
Hippos Are in Trouble. Will an Endangered Listing Save Them?

Carnivores / Carnivorous:

New Sand Cat Science Revealed.
How Can Lions Coexist with People?
TCHAD : après 20 ans d’absence, le lion réapparait dans le parc national de Sena Oura.

Autres mammifères / Others mammals:

A new book about « The Mammals of Malawi ».
Habitat mosaic as a driver of the resilience of native species: The case of the assemblage of small mammals from the city of Franceville, Gabon.
Le sauvetage d’un lac camerounais d’une plante envahissante redonne espoir pour le lamantin d’Afrique menacé d’extinction.

Autres nouvelles / Others news:

Case challenging the construction of the EACOP kicks off.
Biogas project offers lifelines to Kenyan community, forest, and rare species.
They ripped through a protected wilderness to find oil. Instead, they found trouble.
Naming and gaming: The illicit taxonomic practice of ‘nomenclatural harvesting’ and how to avoid it.