Mammifères d’Afrique – African Mammals – Revue du WEB – Octobre 2023

Liens vers l’actualité WEB de la faune africaine – Links to WEB African Wildlife News.

Préservation / Conservation:

NOUVELLES DES AIRES PROTÉGÉES D’AFRIQUE – NAPA 178 Conserver la nature en Afrique.
NEWS FROM PROTECTED AREAS IN AFRICA – NAPA 178 Conserving nature in Africa.
« Shock » value – the animal toll of electric fences.
Tradeoffs between resources and risks shape the responses of a large carnivore to human disturbance.
Study shows the best way to save giraffes is to support wildlife law enforcement and end poaching.

Braconnage / Poaching – Trafic / Traffic – Commerce / Trade – Chasse / Hunting:

Gorilla permit fraud dents community-led conservation efforts in Uganda.
Trophy hunted: Namibian desert-adapted lion – here are the facts.
Wildlife trafficking, organised crime linked: Nonprofit’s report sheds new light.


The hybrid elephants of Kibale – new research on how to distinguish types of African elephant.
Wild chimpanzees show capacity to combine meanings within utterances.
Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity.
Demographic and hormonal evidence for menopause in wild chimpanzees.
Chimps go through menopause. That could shed light on how it evolved in humans.

Herbivores / Herbivorous:

Dehorning impacts white rhinoceros behaviour less thansocial events: evidence from Botswana.
On the Subspecies of Giraffa camelopardalis (1908).
Elephant teeth: how they evolved to cope with climate change-driven dietary shifts.
Frightened of giants: fear responses to elephants approach that of predators.
The Elephant Ethogram.
O Okapia, a new Genus of Giraffidae, from Central Africa (1901).
Kruger rhino population update – the losses continue.
Zimbabwe : plusieurs morts mystérieuses d’éléphants causées par une bactérie très rare?

Carnivores / Carnivorous:

Fear of the human “super predator” pervades the South African savanna.
Community knowledge on factors behind extirpation of lion Panthera leo in Comoé National Park, Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa).
The cheetahs of southern Tanzania.
Can Meerkats Sense Human Feelings?
Spotted hyaena population density across habitat and land use types in southern Tanzania.
Cautious cats: Africa’s lions changing behaviour, skipping high density human areas to avoid conflict.

Autres nouvelles / Others news:

Craintes pour le lac Albert alors que le gouvernement négocie l’accès au pipeline EACOP.
Oil firm Perenco eyes new blocks in DRC amid criticism of its track record.
Pétrole, gaz, mine… la déforestation s’accélère dans le bassin du Congo.