Mammifères d’Afrique – African Mammals – Revue du WEB – Juin 2023

Liens vers l’actualité WEB de la faune africaine – Links to WEB African Wildlife News.

Préservation / Conservation:

In Kenya, lions are speared to death as human-wildlife conflict worsens amid drought.
RDC : Les motivations économiques et de survie compliquent la lutte contre le trafic de viande de brousse et d’espèces sauvages.
Lion bone trafficker’ nabbed at OR Tambo International Airport.
Lions are still being farmed in South Africa for hunters and tourism – they shouldn’t be.
Wildlife trafficking risks future pandemics and needs addressing, says new research.


Endangered chimpanzees contaminated with pesticides and flame retardants.
Development of communication in chimpanzees echoes that of human infants.
Female age and reproductive stage influence copulation patterns in mountain gorillas’ variable mating system.
Les chimpanzés orphelins ne souffrent pas de stress chronique.
Estimates of life history parameters in a high latitude, arid‐country vervet monkey population.
Primates have been masturbating for at least 40 million years.
Notes Concerning the Second Edition of the Primates of East Africa Pocket Identification Guide.

Herbivores / Herbivorous:

Dehorning may affect how rhinos interact and establish territory.
Masai giraffes more endangered than previously thought, finds new study.
RDC : le rhinocéros débarque dans le parc de la Garamba après 17 ans d’absence.
ZIMBABWE : sept éléphanteaux orphelins retournent à la vie sauvage.
Elephants that once threatened Rome could help save their descendants.

Carnivores / Carnivorous:

This mysterious cat is threatened. A deceptively simple plan could save it.
Spot the difference – do leopards inherit their patterns from their mothers ?
Return of the lions: Large protected areas in Africa attract apex predator.
Lions, leopards have made a comeback in Africa’s 3rd-largest national park, says report.
African civet.
Do honey badgers and greater honeyguide birds cooperate to access bees’ nests? Ecological evidence and honey-hunter accounts.
African painted dogs spotted in Uganda after four decades.
Mum to the rescue! Amazing moment jackal cub is dropped by eagle that had swooped off with it after its mother gives it a scare.

Autres mammifères / Others mammals:

‘Shocking’ levels of pangolin deaths from electric fences.
Status of terrestrial mammals in the Yangambi Landscape, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Autres nouvelles / Others news:

Pangolin-inspired mini robot could aid future surgery.
Pablo Escobar’s ‘cocaine hippos’ top 200, twice as many as we thought.
Canadian oil company pauses controversial drilling in Namibian wilderness.
Total Energies en Ouganda : le pétrolier de nouveau poursuivi en justice, des habitants et ONG dénoncent « des menaces et du harcèlement ».
Congo: World’s 2nd-largest rainforest continues to vanish with half a million hectares lost in 2022.